CCRL Challenger

This site allows you to play against 118 different chess engines in your browser.
All engines are open-source engines taken from the CCRL (Computer Chess Rating List)

  • Engines have been tested but reliability cannot be guaranteed.
  • A maximum of 5 seconds computer move time is allowed
  • Engines are set to use a 32MB hash table
  • Pawns will auto-promote to queens
  • Threefold draws are not detected

    Select opponent

    #1Stockfish 17 64-bit 8CPU3817
    #4Obsidian 14.0 64-bit 8CPU3788
    #5Berserk 13 64-bit 8CPU3785
    #6Alexandria 7.1.0 64-bit 8CPU3778
    #7Caissa 1.21 64-bit 8CPU3772
    #8PlentyChess 2.1.0 64-bit 8CPU3770
    #11Starzix 6.0 64-bit 8CPU3763
    #15Clover 8.0 64-bit 8CPU3755
    #15Lizard 11.1 64-bit 8CPU3755
    #15Viridithas 15.0.0 64-bit 8CPU3755
    #16Velvet 8.1.0 64-bit 8CPU3741
    #19Igel 3.6.0 64-bit 8CPU3737
    #22Seer 2.8.0 64-bit 8CPU3730
    #29Koivisto 9.0 64-bit 8CPU3716
    #30Peacekeeper 3.01 64-bit 8CPU3705
    #33Stormphrax 6.0.0 64-bit3685
    #38Altair 7.0.0 64-bit 8CPU3670
    #39Black Marlin 9.0 64-bit 8CPU3659
    #40akimbo 1.0.0 64-bit 8CPU3648
    #45Smallbrain 7.0 64-bit 8CPU3605
    #53Renegade 1.1.0 64-bit3562
    #55Halogen 12 64-bit3543
    #55Willow 4.0 64-bit3543
    #57Rice 8.0.0 64-bit3542
    #59Carp 3.0.1 64-bit3538
    #59pawn 3.0 64-bit3538
    #60Superultra 2.0 64-bit3536
    #62Reckless 0.7.0 64-bit3503
    #63Patricia 4.0 64-bit3499
    #65Xiphos 0.6 64-bit 8CPU3491
    #66Midnight 9 64-bit3488
    #68Marvin 6.3.0 64-bit3470
    #71Laser 1.8 beta 64-bit 8CPU3468
    #71Zahak 10.0 64-bit 8CPU3468
    #72Combusken 2.0.0 64-bit 8CPU3466
    #74BlackCore 6.0 64-bit3455
    #75Weiss 2.0 64-bit 8CPU3454
    #77Molybdenum 4.1 64-bit3448
    #79Zangdar 3.04 64-bit3429
    #80Defenchess 2.3 64-bit 8CPU3421
    #81Pedantic 2.1.0 64-bit3418
    #85Avalanche 2.1.0 64-bit3405
    #90Counter 5.5 64-bit3381
    #92Frozenight 6.0.0 64-bit3377
    #95Nalwald 19 64-bit3356
    #100Odonata 1.0 64-bit3325
    #101Mantissa 3.7.2 64-bit3323
    #107Princhess 0.19.0 64-bit3300
    #111Svart 6 64-bit3269
    #120Cadie 2.0 64-bit3223
    #126Lambergar 1.0 64-bit3199
    #128Priessnitz 2.0 64-bit3194
    #137Invictus r382 64-bit3143
    #138Monolith 2 64-bit 4CPU3141
    #141Amoeba 3.1 64-bit 4CPU3126
    #142Illumina 2.0 64-bit3121
    #143FabChess 1.15 64-bit 4CPU3118
    #145bitbit 1.2 64-bit3103
    #148Bit-Genie 9 64-bit3097
    #149Wahoo 4.0.0 64-bit3096
    #151Vault 0.4.0 64-bit3089
    #154Topple 0.7.5 64-bit 4CPU3073
    #155GOOB 1.8.9 64-bit3070
    #156monty 1.0.0 64-bit3069
    #161Polaris 1.8.1 64-bit3052
    #166Asymptote 0.8 64-bit 4CPU3030
    #175Pingu 4.0.0 64-bit2991
    #177Puffin 5.0 64-bit2984
    #183Jackal 1.0.0 64-bit2953
    #200Weiawaga 5.0 64-bit2876
    #210Belette 3.0.0 64-bit2812
    #216Yakka 1.1 64-bit2793
    #220Javelin 3.0.0 64-bit2777
    #225Aramis 1.4.0 64-bit2759
    #230K2 0.992753
    #238Boychesser 1.0 64-bit2735
    #249Lux 4.2 64-bit2688
    #251Supernova 2.4 64-bit2679
    #252Bread 1.2.0 64-bit2674
    #253Blunder 8.5.5 64-bit2667
    #260Zevra 2.5 64-bit2644
    #274WyldChess 1.51 64-bit2604
    #291Raven 1.30 64-bit2561
    #292Luna 2.0.0 64-bit2557
    #313Fatalii 0.8.0 64-bit2507
    #324FoxSEE 8.2 64-bit2474
    #343Loki 3.0.0 64-bit2423
    #344Anka 0.6.3 64-bit2422
    #347Kimbo 1.0.0 64-bit2420
    #353Qapla 0.1.1 64-bit2407
    #361SoFCheck 0.9.1 beta 64-bit2383
    #369Teki 1 64-bit2366
    #419Goldfish 2.1.1 64-bit2250
    #426Austerlitz 1.4.7 64-bit2232
    #432Napoleon 1.8 64-bit2204
    #433Camel 1.6.0 64-bit2198
    #436MORA 1.1.0 64-bit2189
    #439SpaceDog 0.97.7 64-bit2174
    #443Zagreus 5.0 64-bit2167
    #455KhepriChess 4.0.0 64-bit2143
    #483Infrared 2.0.1 64-bit2076
    #485Eggnog 5 64-bit2073
    #500Gunborg 1.35 64-bit2022
    #501BBC 1.1 64-bit2019
    #524Captain 4.0 64-bit1958
    #534BadChessEngine 0.4.4 64-bit1924
    #543Thrawn 1.1 64-bit1894
    #552Snowy 0.2 64-bit1879
    #562ChessMatrix 1.0.4 64-bit1862
    #589Tofiks 1.3.0 64-bit1789
    #594Toad 1.0.0 64-bit1777
    #600Leandor 1.2 64-bit1735
    #614Topas 1.3.3 64-bit1700
    #621Apollo 1.2.1 64-bit1668
    #624Chers 0.8.0 64-bit1660
    #637Alpaca 0.2.5 64-bit1606
    #702DoctorB 1.2.1 64-bit1327
    #761Delimiter 0.1.1 64-bit688

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    Contact: sgriffin53 [at] gmail (dot) com
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